Ok, I stand (on one foot) corrected. Restorative Yin is not the easy class I had counted on.
It all went terribly wrong. Had to do a double header again yesterday to make up for a day I missed so thought I'd take the "easy meditation class" as my second class of the day as to not overexert. First of all, this class was packed and I literally got the last spot in the studio. So I had to tiptoe in, trying to dodge corpsing bodies and - get this - tea lights (!) to get to my spot. Anyone who knows me knows I don't do well near open flames in a semi-alert state so that nullified any relaxation I was going to achieve that afternoon. For people whose hair hasn't been set on fire by a candle, however, I could see how the set up of the studio would have been stress-reducing.
Here's what I have to say about this class. You know how in *
Eat, Pray, Love. we all enjoyed the Italy part because it was all about food and indulgence and then once she gets to India we all checked out because we couldn't relate because she's being so ridiculous?
"Oh why can't I sit in the right hand of God?! Oh boo hoo!" And there's that part where she's at the ashram where she's holding a pose for hours and it's not even a particularly difficult one, but she's losing her mind and screaming in her head and having crying meltdown hissy fits? Dumb right? Well that was me doing "The Pigeon" yesterday afternoon for 5 minutes. I'm not even kidding. An hour and a half class of holding the same intense stretches for an unreasonable period of time - and I was going berserk. At one point we were holding a runner's lunge for what felt like 3 hours and in my head, I heard a starter's pistol go off and I treated my pose like the "On your marks!" position for a sprint and nearly took off out the door! I don't know if I actually screamed out loud, but in my mind I sounded like a maniac. And this lady (a guest instructor - I didn't know her) meant business. I liked her voice, as it was very calming and she had cute funky hair. Little did I know she was actually a master of torture. The poses lasted FOR HOURS...and just when you thought it was finally over...OTHER SIDE!! And then when that side was done and you thought it must be time for a break - AGAIN - but this time deeper with chanting. CHANTING!!! It was like The Attack of the Well-toned, Flexible Zombies!! We literally hadn't even left the laying down position yet and I had so much sweat running off me I thought I was being water-boarded. So when the chanting started, I was pretty much inconsolable. I no longer could tell where the sweat ended and the tears began. All I knew is that I was one salty pool of terror. And then my next biggest fear became a reality after the torture session - an extended period of the napping. Like, 20 minutes of it. And knowing that I can't hear a whole lot of what's being said around me...it's very easy for me to drift off. And I did. Probably five times. And one time my own snoring woke me up. I even had dreams. Gah!
Finally after a round of chanting that would've put the Vienna Boys Choir to shame, we were free. I staggered from the room and I was by far the sweatiest and most disoriented person coming out of there. And perhaps I may never fully understand what happened to me in that room that day, but I think I may belong to a cult now.
So no. Restorative Yin does not = lame.
So the good news is, after that class I was officially caught up. The HYC ends on Tuesday and I just have to do one class per day for the next three days and I'll be golden.
Today I went to a nice respectable noon class of Moksha. Brendan is an instructor who I have had classes with many times and if I have accomplished anything during these past 30 days, it's thanks in large part to him (and others of course). But I'll talk more about that in my
Finale Post of Self-Indulgence on Tuesday!
Anyway, I know for a fact that I could practice yoga for the next 30 years and still have room for improvement and growth. But it's a pretty disconcerting feeling to have two of what you consider your "most rad poses" corrected on your third last day of the challenge. And like, not just little tweaks. I've been doing them
completely wrong. Poses that you do every day...and I've been free-styling the whole time. I think I'm the Shaman Baboon in Lion King holding up the new little cub king when in actual fact, I'm doing nothing more than vogueing very slowly. How did I let this happen?? Well, add it to my goal list I guess: 1. Become fluent in French. 2. Do your hobby right.
So, was putting on my coat and boots after class and putting another check mark next to my name and I cannot believe this myself, but I was one of only 5 or 6 challengers that were on track!! Out of about 50 people! Holy crap! I am so happy and so proud of myself right now it's ridiculous. There's still two days for everyone to catch up, but still...that's really cool:)
So that's the weekend, Folks. Two days left and it looks like smooth sailing.
Good night, All
*Even though I totally feel Elizabeth Gilbert's pain in the ashram...I still think she was being a flake and the part where she's in Bali was dumb. Who does she think she is? And I'm sorry - I know Oprah says we're supposed to love this book and be enlightened, but I thought the whole thing was an indulgence in silliness. And also, I didn't think "Texas Richard" was that funny. I did, however, think the part where she cried with joy eating pizza in Naples was very realistic. I liked that part.