I have a confession to make. Until two weeks ago, I didn't step foot into the yoga studio since I completed my 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge in December. I was really exhausted, then Christmas came and then work got bonkers with Radiothon prep and I just didn't need one more thing to worry about. Cop out? You betcha. As I blogged during my first HYC, I kept track of small changes that I saw in my body, my strength, my ability and my attitude. It was my intention to come home on Day 30 and sum the whole experience up with a big epiphany. Instead I drank a glass of champagne and had a little cry. (Of joy - don't worry:) I kept meaning to come back to the blog and finish what I had started but I just didn't get around to it. In a way I'm glad it happened that way and here's why.
After a few weeks of not making it to yoga, the changes I noticed from NOT going far outweighed any initial changes I noticed from going. Here's what I mean. It's actually easy to get into hot yoga. I don't mean hot yoga is easy - I find it really challenging and frustrating. But it's easy to get addicted and it's easy to get caught up in it.
During my first HYC, the plague descended on our office and people were getting sick left, right and centre. But I never did. Prior to the HYC, I had been breaking out - I'm sure due to stress and within a week of starting the HYC, it cleared up. My skin started glowing and got really smooth. I felt absolutely (I apologize in advance, men.) no PMS symptoms. I toned up quite quickly...I saw collar bones for the first time in years and my arms got some pretty good definition. If I'd continued, who knows what other benefits I'd see? I'm totally mad at myself.
Within weeks of slacking, my skin began to feel a little bit "scaly" and rough compared to how it had been. I felt like I needed to keep exfoliating. I broke out. I got sick. Twice. I got puffy and gained back all my weight around my middle. This is how I'd been living my life prior to hot yoga and it was acceptable. Now that I've seen and felt how good I can be, that's my new standard. Living and feeling that way no longer feels right to me. I realize how "enlightened" and how borderline condescending that sounds.
What I'm trying to say is that I didn't truly appreciate the benefits of hot yoga until I wasn't experiencing them anymore. Not cool. So, I started another 30 Day HYC today. Here I go again.