Monday, 14 November 2011

Day Eight: Baby's Got Hot Back!

I'm totally serious. I have a hot back. I'm convinced it's some kind of chakra thing going on. Often at the end of a practice - you know, during the napping - I'll be laying on my mat in "corpse pose" (that's a real thing and when you see my do it - incredibly accurately named!!) and all down my back there is a really nice hot, almost a burning sensation. It feels like I'm laying on a heating pad. Sometimes there is a tingling sensation too. It's really nice actually and right now, it's 3 hours later and I'm still feeling it. Does anyone know what this is? I'm either totally "getting" hot yoga or I've trapped a nerve. 

Tonight's class was really, really great. It was Hot Fusion and I hadn't done this class for a while. I'd forgotten how much I love it. Here's what the Moksha website says about the class:  Hot Fusion: This class will be different each time, giving you the opportunity to try new postures and sequences while maintaining a level of familiarity to encourage focus and concentration.

I thought it was great - a welcome change after going everyday - lots of new and different poses.  AND, I touched my head to the floor for the first time during my wide-legged pose!! (I really need to learn what these are called...but I was so happy!)

Today's class scored a 5 on the sweat scale! That's the most. Here's how the Sliding Sweat Scale works: (No pun intended.)
  1. Like a regular yoga class, but the hot flashes have kicked in.
  2. I'm having flashbacks to being in Sears with my mum when I was little and I'm dressed in a full body snow suit made for the Northern Ontario winters and mum has ran into her friend and they're gabbing away and I'm so hot and bored I'm fading in and out of consciousness while groaning, "Mu-u-u-m. Let's Go-ah!!" (And I say that in hot yoga too.)
  3. A giant log full of families happily screaming, waving their hands in the air, has just plunged off my back.
  4. My clothes are so sopping wet that I look like the little kid in BIG, after he changes from "Big" Tom Hanks to "little" Tom Hanks but is still wearing "Big" Tom Hanks' clothes.
  5. Kevin Costner is scouting my mat as a location for Waterworld II and I had to leave the studio via canoe.
That's it for today. 

Goodnight All.


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