Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Day Three: Unbalanced!

Walking into a hot yoga class with just a minute to spare, where a sea of people are laying motionless on their mats - already 10 mins into their meditative-yoga state - makes you think for a brief second that there has been a gas leak. It was terrifying until I spotted a girl in the corner doing a teddy bear stand. Phewf!

Today I did an evening class to let my weak and aching body recover - and it's amazing what a difference that extra 12 hours made. It was obviously the right thing to do. And because I didn't go in the morning, I wasn't starving by 10 am so when I looked at Trish, my office buddy, she didn't look like a hotdog typing like she has every day this week. No doubt, she'll be relieved to hear that.

The class was great. It moved quite fast and I was able to do most things. But today, if someone had offered me a million dollars to stand on one foot, I couldn't have done it. I don't know why some days are better balance days than others. I'm convinced I have an inner ear imbalance which is the same reason I'm unable drive on high edges in the mountains without closing my eyes and singing Jesus Take the Whee-heeeell!!!

So yes...awesome class and I felt great afterwards. 

The problem I'm experiencing though is how dry it is now that winter's arrived and how losing so much moisture during hot yoga is drying out my skin. I'm drinking tons of water - obviously I understand and promote the importance of moisturizing from within. Yet, my skin is still craving extra moisture, so I'm slathering on the Moroccan Rose Body Butter, which is fab! The problem is, once I get into class, the 20 litres of sweat pouring out of my body muddles with the lotion and suddenly I'm slipping around like a newborn calf!  I'm going to have to start working out in a terry towel unitard if I don't get a handle on this soon.

As good as I felt coming out of class, the best part of tonight was that there were little puppies in the foyer! I don't know what they were doing there, but they were going crazy licking everyone! They must have though it was awesome how salty everyone was!  Random puppies! So cute.

Brandy from Moksha now knows about my blog which is great - but now she's going to know that I'm not as together as I portray myself. (Whatever! I usually stumble out of hot yoga like a drunk person in bright blue sweatpants and Uggs on the wrong feet, rebounding off the walls, trying to let myself into the wrong I think she's already onto me:)

Day three registered a 1 on the Sliding Barf Scale, so that's progress. However, it registered a 5 on the Sweat Scale. I will explain how the Sliding Sweat Scale works once I've wrung out my yoga mat.

Goodnight All.



  1. Justine - I have had fleeting thoughts to do a 30 day challenge too but always slept or drank the urge away. You are as funny in print as you are in person :) Good luck with the challenge!! x

  2. Side note: The puppies are from the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society and are up for adoption on their website Perry and Kane are the 2 pups you met - just in case, ya know, you're interested. ;)

  3. Those pups were just the sweetest! I almost put them in my bag!!
